Deborah Lee


Deborah Lee


React, Redux, Ruby, Rails, Javascript, jQuery, SQL, Git, HTML5, CSS3, Docker, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Apollo, GraphQL, Express, Node, Heroku


App Academy Sept 2019-Feb 2020

Intensive 24-week full stack development program with an acceptance rate of 5% that focuses on Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML. CSS, React, Redux, JQuery, SQL and Git. Some notable projects: 

All the Things! (Rails, React, Redux, HTML5, PostgreSQL and CSS3)
A full stack single-page app inspired by Remember the Milk where users can create and edit tasks and lists.

  • Implemented secure user authentication using a combination of SecureRandom, bcrypt password hashing functions and constraints at both the model and database levels
  • Utilized Jbuilder to render reusable JSON API responses via partials to provide RESTful routing.
  • Created UI views using React architecture to componentize views and HTML5 and CSS3 to create modals, forms, and dropdowns.

Aura (Javascript, HTML, CSS and SCSS)
An interactive white noise app where users can listen to different calming sounds, switch backgrounds and set a sleep timer.

  • Integrated Howler.js for audio files to provide the user with more control over playback and functionality.
  • Designed original UI using HTML5, CSS and javascript that includes dropdowns, modals, toggle buttons and a volume slider.
  • Authored algorithms to generate a sleep timer to integrate a countdown timer with audio playback and controls.

goPüp (MongoDB, Express, React, Node, GraphQL)
A dog walking app inspired by Strava that allows users to create and share routes.

  • Authored middleware which used navigator geolocation to fetch the users location based on an exact match or IP address to display on a map.
  • Integrated leaflets interactive mapping API to allow users to create routes based on location by dragging pins.
  • Implemented GraphQL for precise server-side querying.


Peking Gourmet Inn, General Manager Falls Church, VA 2013-2018

  • Executed a holistic strategy to improve the efficiency of core business processes, resulting in an increase of annual sales by 27.4% ($7.85 to $10m) over five years.
  • Led the design, configuration and implementation of the company’s first Point of Sales system; leveraged analytical abilities to find practical solutions to complex problems and successfully executed a strategy for integration to ensure the continuity of business operations.
  • Directed environmentally sound farm-to-table operations; including management of a 133 acre farm, its respective staff, and the peripheral duties of acting property manager for nine rental properties on site.
  • Received honor of Best Chinese Restaurant in the U.S. by New York Post, Washingtonian Magazine, Northern Virginia Magazine, and MSNBC year-after-year from 2013-2018.


  • Linux Essentials, Linux Professional Institute 2019
  • CompTIA Security+, CompTIA 2019


  • App Academy 2020
  • University of Maryland, Baltimore County - Bachelor of Arts in Political Science2010

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